17-19 May 2017 - CRISCO - Université Caen Normandie



Registration will be open as from November 2016

- Early Bird Registration: 1st November 2016 - 28th February 2017
- Standard Registration: 1st March 2017 - 6th May 2017
- On-site Registration: 17th May 2017

 Note: in order to benefit from the Early Bird Registration fee, payment is required no later than February 28th 2017. The same applies for standard registration (deadline 06/05/2017)




Early Fee

Standard Fee

On-site Fee*









Accompanying Guest










*PLEASE NOTE: on-site payment can only be made with a French cheque or cash.

Registration fees (student/non-student) include:

  • participation in the 3-day conference sessions (17-19 May 2017)
  • conference materials
  • morning/afternoon coffee breaks
  • conference dinner
  • guided tour

 Accommodation is not provided (for recommendations see ACCOMADATION).


Only full-time students are eligible for the student fee. Please send proof of student status (in English or French) when registering.

 Registration fees for virtual participants are the same as those participants who attend the conference. Virtual participants will be sent all conference materials by snail mail.


Accompanying Guest Registration

Registration for accompanying guests MUST be made by the attendees (Non-student/Student).

 The Accompanying Guest Fee includes:

  • admission to the Conference Welcome Reception
  • admission to the Conference Closing Ceremony
  • coffee breaks and conference dinner

Attendees should inform the conference organisers of the full name(s) of the accompanying guest(s) prior to the conference (on the registration form).


Author Registration

The first author of an accepted paper MUST be registered for the conference by APRIL 1st 2017 at the very latest for the paper and author to be included in the conference programme and its proceedings. If you are an author and you have missed this deadline, please contact the organizers ASAP.

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